Sep 4, 2011

Always on Sunday

Where are the personal gardens in Copenhagen? 
In the allotments.

According to Niels Jensen in his History of the Allotment Garden in Copenhagen

"At the end of the last century Copenhagen definitely broke its old boundaries, and very many, large, dense 5-story buildings were constructed.  The flats were often very small, some with only the view of a backyard.  This was the background of the first allotment gardens.

Much land within the city was not yet built on, many of the citizens camae from the country and were thereby used to self-sufficiency. They had knowledge of cultivating soil.  They rented some land and grew vegetables and by and by built a small house with the materials available. 

Many were artisans with the skill of swinging a hammer but also with dreams and imagination. This resulted in many exciting houses, which architects have since looked upon with mixed feelings.

To many the allotment became a breathing hole and those coming from the country were happy to see plants and soil again.  Their spare time was very short but the garden was close-by..."

I went in search of these allotment gardens.  This is what I found.

These particular allotments may not be the best example of Danish gardening, but they do represent a love of the outdoors.