May 11, 2013

Red, Yellow, Blue

Copyright Peter Mauss
Madison Square Park
May 2 - September 8, 2013

1.4 million feet of rope
3,000 gallons of paint
over 100,000 pounds of rope

"Red, Yellow and Blue employs re-purposed rope collected from up and down the Eastern seaboard, bringing elements of the coastline to the urban setting of Madison Square Park. 

Together, three separate undulating structures of layered roped shaped on-site by the artist will redefine the landscape of the park creating interactive environments that will invite visitors to explore both exposed and hidden spaces, encouraging them to navigate and experience Madison Square Park anew." 
from Madison Square Conservancy website.

Copyright Peter Mauss
I love how these rope walls change Madison Square Park and I wanted to share it and urge everyone to take a walk through the park.
Copyright Peter Mauss

Copyright Peter Mauss

Copyright Peter Mauss

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