Sep 12, 2011

the Transformers:
of Langeland

The Art Towers
Langleland, Denmark

De Langelandske Kunsttarne

The Danes don't like to waste a thing. 

IN Langeland, Denmark the electric lines use to run above ground.  The transformers were inside the tower you see above. 

Alfo Bonano
"Organisk Indtraengen"

 In a flat landscape, a tower is a powerful symbol.  The artists of Langeland re-purposed the transformer  towers as art spaces.  Each tower is 1.5m x 1.5m x 8 m high.  A group of 12 artists have used the spaces in a different ways.  For me the most successful pieces are the ones that maximize the potential of the space or simply surprise.

Britt Smelvaer

One does not expect to find a buddha sitting in repose
Lars Calmar
When I first went inside this tower, I only saw these objects as abstract wooden blocks.  By turning my head, I realized they were toy boats on a vertical sea.

Being in a culture where a plastic bag from the supermarket check-out costs $5, one begins to gain an appreciation for the lack of wastefulness that Danes consider essential to their existence. 

Langeland is a struggling economy.  People are looking for ways to make a living and remain on the island.  The art towers are not only places to make a work of art, but also a tourist attraction in the best sense of the word.  They are hidden down small roads on the edges of farmers fields.  The process of finding the tower is also a way of discovering what the landscape has to offer.