unexpected trip to london.
rented great flat
secured ticket to chelsea flower show online
watched bbc hour long Chelsea segment every night on tv
anxiety rising
how to see everything
not taking advice of salesman in the V&A
arrive half early for show
buy program
confused about where to go and what to do first
elbow my way to front of a garden - any garden
try to take in what's going on IN the garden, not around me
press forward
do people think i am the ugly american
heard on tv, designer saying the "earth moved under his feet" upon seeing "x" garden by "x"
the earth definitely did not moved under my feet
it was all too perfect
everything blooming on cue
saw one of the designers with a watering can
a bit of reality
loved one garden by japanese designer
the modern rock garden.
very simple
good play on traditional rock garden (see photo above of squares of sedum)
am not in love
head to the tent
delphiniums reaching for the sky
displays of carrots looking arranged like monarda
olive trees grown in England
a tasting menu of tulips
on verge of breakdown
what to do
go directly to the champagne bar
two overpriced glasses of bubbly later
feeling relaxed.
it's over.
the little street gardens,
container plantings,
wild garden in front of museum of garden history
window boxes around the city.
maybe not earth shattering, but definitely real.
"preferred the little street gardens, container plantings, wild garden in front of museum of garden history, window boxes around the city. maybe not earth shattering, but definitely real"..
I love this Phyllis. Your words ring so true. These thoughtful observations remind me that striving for perfection in art often leads to failure. My friend Emily likes to quote Cezanne.. "A work of art which did not begin in emotion, is not art". I agree with Cezanne, and I think this philosophy applies to gardens, (living art), as well.
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